Calling More Opportunity

We at ADA tech strive to work in close cooperation with your target customers and sales team. You and your sales team can pay heed more on converting qualified opportunities than spending time finding for opportunities to knock. 

call answering services outsourcing

Call Answering Services

  • We offer cost-effective call answering services to clients across a wide range of industries.
  • Our services help organizations stay connected to their customers round-the-clock to address all kinds of technical and non-technical calls.
  • We offer both human and virtual call answering agents based on client requirements and budgets to provide maximum return on their investments.
  • Our inbound call answering services have benefitted several organizations in increasing their customer satisfaction scores with effective management of their helpline number.
call answering services

Did you Know?

More than 50% of your callers prefer to go to other service providers- in case you don’t answer them timely. Consequently, you might end up losing existing or potential clients

call answering services

IVR Services

  • Interactive voice response (IVR) service is an automated way to enable your callers to inquire information about your products/services, upcoming offers/discounts, placing order or giving feedback by entering data into database.
  • It does require any human interaction over the telephone. Your calls will be routed to an answering machine.
  • By making use of this automated platform, your business can improve your customer satisfaction and gain competitive edge over competitors.
call answering services

Live Call Answering Services

Your customers no longer have to follow telephone menus and lengthy instructions as their queries will be routed to a number that will be attended by a well-trained live operator over a phone call. Live phone answering services help you reduce overall turnaround time of a call, and make it much more personal and responsive to the customer’s needs over competitors.

call answering services

What we Offer

• Substantial cost savings
• Zero capital invest on office space,infrastructure and software
• Professional, polite and affable call agents
• Use of cutting-edge technology for call recording
• Highly experienced and well-trained call answering representatives
• Stringent security protocol to ensure information remains confidential
• Ability to modify call script according to your business requirements